Music is kinda like your veggies, now before you come at me pelting stones and out to break cymbals over my head, let me explain. We were all most likely force fed them as a kid and never took it up and when we grow older we realize they were actually important and now its "too late" to take it up again. Everyone with even a faint interest in music in general has always housed that dream of learning the art well enough to rock the stage. And these hidden desires often show face be it, singing in the shower, drumming at the table or shredding furiously at a guitar only you can see.
So why don't people take the plunge and actually get involved with music and try to live the dream? Everyone seems to have their own little list of the reasons why they can't do something that will actually enrich their lives and chief among the list of usual contenders has always been . . . Time. But now a bunch of upstarts from my own backyard of Bangalore seem to have come up with the answer with what they call "Music Method" (can't you just hear the raspy voiced movie promo guy going Music Method).
In this age of quick solutions ranging from ready to eat food, to crash course studies they claim they can train you in music (in vocal, keyboard, bass, guitar or drums) and in 9 weeks you can be good enough to be put on stage. And thats not just a tag line this time around, that is the actual end result of the course, you and few other students form a band and play at an event. And with this dream of bringing music to the masses was born the Nathaniel school of music (NSM) headed by the mother and son team of Lillian Zachariah and Jason Zachariah. The faculty includes the who's who of the Indian music scene, headed by a Jason himself, a man who is regarded by many (including myself) as one of the best keyboardists in the country today. Add to that bass heavy weight Dwight Patterson (who has played in as big a stage as Wembley no less) and guitar maestro Naveen Thomas and it does have the makings of an all star cast.
Now while I agree most "fast short cut methods" have the tendency of feeling a bit incomplete, what NSM is offering is more of German Drill than a Crash course. Their course spans for 75 hours over 9 weeks with periodic assessments, state of the art equipment and software. And with music, after a point, there is only so much you can do, its like strapping a pair of training wheels and giving you a push on a bike, how far you pedal after that is really your call.
If you haven't figured it out by now I am quite impressed with these guys and what they have to offer, more so after a visit to their site (www.nathanielschool.com) and talking to them about their course and other plans. Visit their site and choose your own method to keep abreast of all the happening at NSM through their Facebook Group or using Twitter or follow this blog (yes I've finally bit the bullet and added the Follow feature to my blogs). Seeing these things really gives me hope that Bangalore is still the music capital of the country and I intend to use this blog to let the world know.
And to further make my point I've actually signed on to join NSM once the courses officially start on Nov 16. If you haven't, then now that Time is out, whats your excuse?
"Music is kinda like your veggies."
a) i really liked my veggies as a kid.. still do...
b) i like music.. albeit some kinds i dislike... developing a liking for something i could not stand sometime back.. so thts surprising... never happened with veggies!
c)i hv no talent in music even if i do hv the inclination.. as has been aptly proven by my various attempts at learning it... i wouldnt be able to differentiate between sa and re even if my life depended on it.. so.. as much as i would like to give you company, i cant.. :(
but then, to look at the silver lining, now you can play for us... expecting a performance somewhere in the 3rd week of jan.. capisce?
Duly noted.. :) btw never got your comment that you said you posted on the other blog..
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