Of late a certain alarming trend regarding Reality TV shows hit me, I mean apart from the fact that so many of them exist in the first place. Most “couples” that enter reality TV shows or feature as the main focus of the show tend to end up broken up after it. Be it families that have been through hardships or couples that have spent years together, they all end up divorced/broken up. That begged the question from me.. why?
Now one might argue that the whole reason for the break up could well be staged and it’s a part of the show, while I don’t completely agree with this its not a theory that can easily be dismissed. After all, all reality TV shows thrive, and I mean REALLY thrive, on tragedy and controversy. A couple’s breaking up would mean more people tune into the show, saying “Oh, I wonder why that happened?”, when in truth they’re in their head going “Wow I wonder how much they fought or how badly they suffered?”. That means more TRP ratings, it’ll get aired in more countries, each will start their own version of it, and the subsequent tumbling avalanche of money will conquer everyone in its path. But there is an issue with that theory, which prevents me from buying it. If in fact the reason for their breakup was indeed a bunch of conniving “reality TV show producers” (aka Satans Children) telling them to, well, then once the whole thing is over and the dust settles they should in all honesty get back together. Unless they were brought together only for the purpose of the show, which then questions the whole “reality” concept in the first place (Hmm actually hadn’t crossed my mind till now).
Which then brings me to my next reason, reality TV shows, like I mentioned before focus on tragedy, now the normal human life of one and all including the poor souls who go for these shows (aka Satans Puppets), is not filled with problems and issues (well not entirely atleast and I’ll get to that). And these shows being “reality” they can’t be scripted (again debtable I know but for now lets assume the reality part of it is true), so they must be invented. Now when I said human life is not full of problems and issues its not really true, problems are a dime a dozen in all our lives but we are usually content enough to not see them as problems. They can be dismissed from the mind without even a moments thought and that is where the creepy camera men come in (aka insert your own devil reference here
This leads to the next problem, in times of undying misery a human being can rarely, if ever, blame themselves, so they blame whoever they are with. One would say why don’t they blame the tv people, well that simple isn’t it, they will simply say “we are only showing you what exist we aren’t the one you are truly mad at”. And thus in an age far beyond fables is born the Anti-Cupid, armed with a camera in the place of a bow.
But all this begs the question of why we need these abominations in the name of entertainment in the first place. Have we reached such a low point in entertainment that fake agony is just not good enough? As the walls of the neighbors grow higher have we found another window to peer into? Stop the madness, please, the world really is a brighter place. Join me and shout for the Death of the Anti-Cupid \m/
Well, that reality shows are not real is a theory that's been around since time immemorial (well, since they started anyway). For now lets assume they are real anyway.
As a viewer of SOME of these shows, i can tell you why ppl like to tune into them. While some shows don't really have anything do to with the emotions of relationships(like dance shows, for eg) others do.
so you can broadly divide even the viewers into those who watch one of these, thts 2 groups and those who watch both.
I think ppl like to watch tragedy and drama on these shows since they basically feature celebs. Does Rakhi Sawant cook? Do (insert name) and (insert name) fight like we do? No matter how small a celeb, ppl hv a fascination to know if they are any different from us. What makes them so famous. I'm sure these shows wouldnt have even a quarter of their viewership had these shows featured normal ppl, as opposed to celebs. I guess everyone has a morbid curiosity involving troubles that others are in.
Hmm good point actually.. most of the morbid shows do tend to feature celebrities or some odd thing in general.. Like say bunch a rich (and very dumb) kids in Hollywood or a couple with 8 children and so on..
On the other side I dont have too much of a problem with the dance and singing shows.. the only problem I have with them is there are too many of them.. It has spread like wild fire.. I am constantly in fear of whether they will end up draining the talent in the world and show a bunch of people who cant do anything on stage.. other than that they're fine by me..
Oh and thank u very much for the comment.. Love it when someone does that.. So Really appreciate it.
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