I dislike Apple (not the fruit) but its not the usual dislike, it’s not because they’re so unreasonably expensive, so over the top at times and actually contain a lot of flaws that people overlook. My dislike for Apple is more like the fox that didn't get the grapes, I dislike them because they have an indistinguishable uniqueness to them that makes them great and yet I can’t have one. (Expensive)
To me Apple are, and provided they continue the way they do right now, will always be the celebrities of the tech world. They are the incredibly gorgeous, incredibly outrageous and supposedly flawless. Though if there were an entertainment channel where gadgets were the celebs there definitely would be ‘Pain behind the Fame’ episodes on Apple.
They aren’t perfect none of their gadgets are but there is that indelible impression in your head that goes “True but they are SO close”. Far from the truth really, example consider its darling, its super-celeb if you might, the iPhone, that really is the Britney Spears of the gadget world everybody wants to know of it, so many dislike it yet everybody seems to secretly like it or want it. First thing that’s wrong with it and as far as I’m concerned the only thing that need be wrong with something that calls itself a phone is that its not so good at being a phone. Now that’s like going to someone and saying “I’m an engineer, except I’m not so good at the engineering part” well that’s not good is it?
That seems to be the case with most of their products. Case and point the product that though is an Mp3-player became so popular that it made the term Mp3-Player redundant, of course drum rolls please for the iPod. Now ask any music enthusiast or gadget reviewer for that matter and the first thing they will tell you about the iPod is its audio quality is …. average. Now why would something that, being a music player and yet having only average sound quality become so immensely popular? Over that most Apple products are quite expensive compared to its available counterparts yet that’s not a problem for the world!
See what I mean by celebrity, seem perfect, but are flawed, but still seem perfect. We (me included) are willing to overlook those flaws and still accept them. So what has Steve Jobs and his merry bunch at Apple done to capture the world?
According me the first thing (perhaps the most important) thing they did right was, aesthetics. All Apple products top of the line to run in the middle are good looking, gorgeous things. And that’s the first thing they did right and why not? Its your first contact with something, your eyes see it first and that what makes you want to find out more. I’m not saying it has to be sleek and all that, just simple, clean and so magnificently in tune with the times. Like say the first iMac, it may not be much of a looker now but in its time it was phenomenal. So is the new one. Another great example is the Macbook Air, I mean that thing is just Giselle Bundchen in a Victoria Secret Catalogue, I mean she doesn’t act, doesn’t sing or dance she just looks phenomenal, and that’s exactly what the Air is like, its average in all respects, doesn’t have a optical drive, very expensive etc but is just gorgeous, you look at that then turn to its maker and say, “All things aside, job well done.”
The second thing Apple does well is be the jack of all trades. It may not be the best at something but that something is paired with so many other great thing that overall you have to say that that’s a great product. Take the iPod its music may be average, but its scrolling mechanism, its look, its organization all make it great. And all of you going well they’re still the master of none, well Apple is looking at you and laughing all the way to the bank.
The third thing that Apple knows how to do quite well is sell, and that is where they owe Steve Jobs immensely. Listen to one of his keynote speeches where he speaks of his products and you for some reason seems enthralled, completely awed by whatever he’s talking about. He is a great speaker. But its not just that, ad’s also help, they make great ads and if your saying so what. Well again my dear friend that’s your first point of contact with the product in question a great ad creates interest among people excites them and more often than not makes them say, I want that.
I admire Steve Jobs to me he really is one of the pioneers of the gadget world, he is one to whom the beauty of gadgets also mattered, not just its purpose, he is one who understood his customer base and knew those little niggles like touch-screen’s and scroll wheels that they wanted and he is such a great speaker that each time he speaks you seems so sure that he’s so proud of his companies product that it makes you want one.
After all this you might be wondering why I said I dislike Apple? Sadly my friends I am just a fox who can’t have his beloved grapes.
P.S: I know my word won’t get very far but for what its worth, get well soon Mr. Steve Jobs. Take some rest, enjoy your time off. Get well soon the world still needs your wizardry :) .
P.P.S: Thank you for reading and wish you a very Happy new year!!
i understood! :)
I got a touch ;) :D :P
Hema: U evil evil woman.. ive been waiting to buy that thing fr what seems like ages.. always gets postponed due to some reason or the other.. :( :'( For some reason apple to me is like the forbidden fruit
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