Pirates are strange. I know what you’re thinking; you’re thinking I’m strange for writing something on pirates being strange. But this is one of those philosophical moments when I find something in life corresponding to something as strange as pirates at sea. (AARGH he is a strange one).
I find it strange that pirates sail the seven seas to find something really precious, their “treasure”, only to bury it on some remote island. Now why would you do that? I know what you’re saying “to keep others from getting it you jackass”. But look at the situation here: you’re kind of keeping the treasure away from yourself too!! Wouldn’t it just be better to use some of that loot to buy the worlds best safe and put all the treasure in there? Who I feel worse for is the crew of the ship. Technically a part of the treasure is theirs too yet they can’t get their hands on it because their captain finds it safer to bury it on a remote island.
Those who know me are probably reading this thinking ya this is one of those pointless things that just jump into my head. But no.. there is some point to my madness. Because I feel that many of us in our lives are just like those pirates or their crew. Many of us do hold secrets that are dear to us, that are of utmost importance to us but still feel the need to keep it secret. Things that we want or crave or already posses but are scared to bring it out or use it, for fear of losing the thing that is dear to us, for fear of being ridiculed or many others.
But again the worst thing to happen is still being the crew, possessing something that you can’t lay claim to just yet because you don’t have the power, the leverage etc. But for those who are the crew the question remains once you come to power would the treasure remain in the remote island in the back of your brain?
If it were me I’d dig it up, simple logic: What’s the point of having it if you can't enjoy it? You have it, flaunt it. But for now I still remain a part of the crew, humbly (well may be not so humbly) sailing across the seas of life waiting for my chance to come.